DIRECTOR Kate Durgin
Asst. Director Josh Thau
LiGhting Design Sam Terrell
SET Design Dillon Burke
Production Stage Management Mackenzie Carnes
Assistant Stage Management Siobhan Brannigan
Photography Dillon Burke

Sydney Cox, Lauren Keffler, Anabel Moda, Elle Ouimet, Kate Dewey, Yazzy Genie, Leslie Baez, Katie Cox, Katrina Wischusen, Liz Renda.
THRUST Style SpacE (Audience on 3 sides)
THE WOLVES is another piece in which practicality is essential. The same cue was used for the majority of the show, with the exception of the breakdown scene. PAR cans were essential, and played a key part in the success in making this design feel grounded and real.
The director of this production wanted the breadown scene to feel entirely different, and wanted me to display the goalie's emotions in a very literal way; as she grappled with grief, anger, and sadness.

Actor: Josh Thau
The inner workings of the goalie's brain, and grappling with grief, anger, and sadness.

NOTE: This show was performed in the thrust style, which is why multiple angles are showcased. This was filmed while working with the Asst. director after rehearsal, after the set (most notably, the turf) had been struck. 

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